Friday, May 15, 2009


Today, Aidyn turned one month old!! A lot has happened over the past 4 weeks. During Aidyn’s second surgery, the surgeon took the end of his small intestine and gave him an ostomy. She also gave him a stoma for the end of his big colon.
Seven days old, after his second surgery.

The stoma is flush with his skin, at the end of the incision. The ostomy is on his left, with a bag over it to collect waste. Aidyn was weaned off all meds from surgery and the ventilator about a week and a half ago. He was started on feeds through a feeding tube in his nose on April 29th.
First he was given a 1/2 cc/hr of Pedialyte. He tolerated it well over 24 hours. Next, it was breast milk, but he dumped it all out into his bag. His feedings were stopped, but poor Aidyn was getting hungry. Finally, Elecare formula was given to him 2 days later, he dumped more than put in this time. On May 5th the doctors stopped his feeds. It was thought Aidyn’s small bowel may need to heal more before he can absorb anything. To help ease Aidyn’s hunger pangs, one of the surgeons suggested letting him have a little Pedialyte on his pacifier. It would keep Aidyn from having an oral aversion. More updates from the past month soon.

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